Hello! My name is Sebastian and I am I am happy to welcome you to this magical portal of Life!
A step further and everything becomes possible...
A decade ago I was chronically depressed and suicidal.
While on the edge of taking my life many times, not remembering a moment in my life where I'd felt OK.
I was so shut off I could feel only dread, I felt completely alone, isolated and like everybody hated me.
But more importantly, given my state of depression I didn't think there was any hope for me to do "what I came here to do", my mission and purpose in this life.
While standing on the edge about to jump for the fourth time, I finally realised there was no way out, only forward.
I decided to do whatever it takes to become a happy version of myself
Since then I have for ten years explored and dived into healing modalities from all the corners of the world,
The modalities I have found to be the most powerful come from my chinese - daoist ancestors and the mountains of Peru, and hence I work mostly with a combination of chinese energetic medicine with Andean healing practices
These traditions both sprung out of the pure energy of nature
with a connection to the mountains
To go back to the source of healing,
let's retrace our roots back to nature.
This is what you will experience if you come to any of my events.
Today, I'm so grateful to be alive and be able to do what I came here to do - host workshops, coaching and facilitate transformational experiences and deep healing for people to step into their life purpose.
Because I am a happier version of myself, a truer version, and it is a continuous powerful journey of healing to discover more and more gifts!
Life is still challenging, but with purpose and trust even the darkest passages become manageable.
A step forward, and everything becomes possible...
Book a session through email after a free consultation call
I'm in Sweden until beginning of December-then back to Peru- and dedicating my energy more and more to my mission here on Earth and what I came here to do: healing & coaching work, facilitating transformational workshops, sacred fires, building community: TheBreath of Life*(*press text for link), a transformational school of natural healing & empowerment.
Which means that Up until December I am available to do shamanic healing Sessions, QiGong & Breathwork group workshops as well as facilitate sacred fires, hapé & cacao ceremonies.
And a warm welcome to the upcoming gatherings & events!:
"In one coaching call, Sebastian helped me more than anybody else I've spoken with so far, including Harvard-trained doctors with Ph.D.'s.Directly due to the work we did, I've released years of accumulated trauma.” - Helen O'neill, New York
"Sebastian radiates a vast Love for humanity, without any judgement, and shares his big Heart to help us to Heal. The sessions with him has helped me to transform from an addiction to self-awareness and to grow as a person. It is the closest to Unconditional love I´ve ever experienced and for that I´m ever grateful! “
- Andrea Löfquist
"Coachingen med Sebastian har lett till en fulländig U-sväng, har aldrig varit mer grateful. Känner mig fullständigt "blessed" över hur jag utvecklats och till min omgivning. Från att knappt ha sett något ljus till att nästan bli bländad över all de möjligheter framtiden haft att erbjuda."
Qi Gong A combination of mindful movement, breathwork, and energetic healing
"Sebastian förmedlar kunskap på ett lekfullt sätt som jag tror passar alla oavsett tidigare erfarenhet. Jag själv har svårt att känna skillnad på en prutt och kontakt med rotchakrat men med vägledd qigong försvann alla tvivel, jag upplevde energi och glädje. Uppfylld av liv. Rekommenderas starkt för alla!"
-Jakob Winblad
"As a professional dancer I would highly recommend his classes to dancers and performers in training. Qi gong is an impacful way of understanding how you can move energy around your body without strenuous movements. Where you can breath new energy into your body feeling relaxed and move stagnant energy away’'
-Tomas Sjöö Nairere
Breathwork Transformational Breathwork to release trauma, stress and renew our human potential
"Jag kände verkligen sådan release av uppbyggd frustration och ilska under eventets inledning för att sen hamna i närmast total stillhet för att därefter komma över i villkorslös kärlek och glädje. Som att släppa taget om taget om det som inte längre gagnar mig för att ge utrymme till det som jag vill ha in mer av i mitt liv ... Magiskt att det blev så "
- Felix
More info on current qigong trainings & Breathwork workshops here
Emotional Freedom Technique Simple & effective method to release stress and free emotional blockages in order to live our best life.
"Sebastian is a great EFT practitioner and has a such a natural leadership. He can easily make people feel secure to open themselves up and let go of their past traumas. Sebastian truly cares about the people around him and has a enormous drive to help every single person in the room to feel calm with EFT tapping. I admire his spirit and inspired by his own beautiful life journey which he shared during his last workshop. It touched me on many levels since I can relate to it in so many ways by just being a human in this strange world. I recommend him to anyone who is looking for a positive change in life."
-Sofia Malmqvist
Nature-based immersions with fire, music & cacao ceremony
"Jag är i en sån enorm positiv chock och dansat gråtit hela dagen men det helar mig så mycket❤️ igår var det många murar i mig som rasade och spärrar som lyfts. Blockader spolats och demoner spöats med kärlek och ljus🥰🙏🏼❤️ hade inte varit lika kraftfullt och helande utan er fina människor som är så glad och tacksam över att jag träffade❤️ tack Sebastian och tack alla ni som var med igår ni gav mig en sån värdefull erfarenhet och ett vackert minne"
- Eva-maria Chou
Sebastians 5 Elements Qigong-kurs har gett mig en helhet. Samtidigt som vi övar rörelserna lär han ut det kinesiska medicinska tänkandet bakom. Sebastian har alltid en självklar närvaro som gör mig trygg och avslappnad i övningarna.
- Lars Ringberg
Would you like to do qigong, breathwork or coaching in a group or book a private session?
E-mail breathoflifestockholm@gmail.com
Who Am I?
My name is Sebastian Monomosukera and my mission is to support people through the challenges of life, to get in touch with their natural rhythms, the rhythms of the Earth and to deeply feel the Breath of Life and live a more wholesome, healthy and fulfilling life on purpose with a global community.
Qi Coaching, Breathwork session, EFT or Medical QiGong Healing See how I can support you to move forward on the path. Heal traumas, remove energetic blockages and move forward with purpose and direction. Contact me for private session or book a meeting here
"In one coaching call, Sebastian helped me more than anybody else I've spoken with so far, including Harvard-trained doctors with Ph.D.'s. I've never had anyone listen to my pain as patiently and with as much compassion as he did! Directly due to the work we did, I've released years of accumulated trauma. He is a special soul and I rarely meet people like him - a starseed with a regal, gentlemanly nature. I'm a changed woman...Worth every penny and more.
Thank You!!!”
- Helen O'neill, New York
"Sebastian radiates a vast Love for humanity, without any judgement, and shares his big Heart to help us to Heal. The sessions with him has helped me to transform from an addiction to self-awareness and to grow as a person. It is the closest to Unconditional love I´ve ever experienced and for that I´m ever grateful! “ - Andrea Löfquist